Over the past decade, the tragic prevalence of child sexual abuse has been widely reported in the media. Numerous cases involving the Catholic church and the Boy Scouts of America, The American Boychoir School in Princeton, as well as the highly publicized case involving Jerry Sandusky at Penn State University, have exposed the horrors of sexual abuse. The publicity from these cases has resulted in a greater understanding that respected and trusted individuals can be guilty of the most heinous acts against children.
Do not delay taking action. It is important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible after you decide to move forward with a childhood sexual abuse case. In childhood sexual abuse cases, the statute of limitations begins to run when the person realizes he or she was injured as a result of sexual abuse. Evidence will still need to be gathered in order to build a strong case to support the claim. This is my area of strength.
It is not unusual for sexual abuse survivors to repress their emotions or be too embarrassed to talk with anyone about the betrayal of their trust. Increasingly, however, child abuse victims feel that holding their abuser accountable is a part of the healing process. Calling an attorney to discuss a civil lawsuit may feel like an impossible hurdle, but it can be a significant step on the road to healing and recovery from childhood sexual abuse.
New Jersey Advocates For Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
From the Law Office of Daniel B. Shapiro in Montclair, New Jersey, I provide comprehensive legal counsel to adult victims of child sexual abuse. I help my clients:
Generally, these painful experiences cannot be easily recalled. Survivors may live for years or decades without any conscious memory of what occurred. And survivors may struggle just as long to establish close relationships or create a stable career path. It is not uncommon for victims to suffer from anxiety and depression.
Filing a civil lawsuit for damages under New Jersey's Sexual Abuse Law allows you to confront your abuser or the institution that failed to protect you and enabled the abuse. A civil lawsuit can restore the control and power over your life that you lost when you were betrayed.
As your lawyer, I will seek to obtain financial compensation for medical bills and treatment, therapy, pain and suffering, as well as for emotional and psychological damages. I work to maximize a settlement or judgment on behalf of my clients in order to compensate them for their emotional and economic harm.